Thursday, April 22, 2010

Opening Day

Happy Earth Day! Today was Opening Day for my garden. We had the ceremonial first delivery of compost here in the midst of the sugar snap peas:

As you can see, it went off without a hitch. You can really rely on Tonka trucks to deliver.

The opening day ceremonies were sparsely attended; basically it was just me, with a brief appearance by this surprise visitor:

I don't think he appreciated my impersonation of the paparazzi, because he disappeared into a hole next to that garden bed after I snapped a few pics.

I had a lovely Earth Day. I planted tomatoes and peppers, composted, mulched, and got a great quantity of soil under my fingernails. I also helped the b/f spread (purchased) compost over much of the front lawn, in hopes of making it look like less of an eyesore. Now it is gently raining, a perfect end to a fine day.



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